Monday, September 28, 2009

18 Months

18 Months ago today! It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating her 1st and now we're halfway to her 2nd! Time flies when you're having fun or freaking out that your baby is growing up way to dang fast!

Truly though, 18 months feels like the biggest milestone so far. Long gone is my wee baby and in her place is a fast, curious, and independent toddler. A toddler who would love to use utensils at almost every meal. A toddler who ask for cookies and loves playing outside and dances to anything with a beat. It's crazy. And amazing. And exhausting. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The last couple of months have marked so much in terms of discovery and learning for our little princess. There seems to have been a vocabulary explosion and Aleigha is picking up words left and right. My personal favorites are bish, "fish" and shoes which sounds more like "chews". She loves her some book time too. Oh my, does she ever! Mostly its the same few books everyday too. She has tons of them but its the same few over and over. And over. And when daddy plays, he has to read them too. Over and over. I say it with sarcasm but really it's one of the sweetest things about her. She loves to read and we desire to help grow that love. So we read her books. Over and over. And try to relish the fact that all too soon she will no longer need us or want us to.

She is a very picky eater especially when it comes to veggies but loves fruit. Some of her favorite foods are red beans & rice, french fries, yogurt, apple sauce, blueberries and grapes. She loves to dip her food in ranch dressing also.

Oh yeah, she is still quite the climber. If it can be climbed on she can do it.

Tomorrow we go for her 18 month check-up & Flu shot so I'll update on that then.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Circus

From a last minute text message from a friend yesterday afternoon we decided to take Aleigha to the Circus last night. We had decided not to take her because we weren't quite sure an 18 month old would be to interested in it but surprisingly she was. Mostly she wanted to dance to all the wild music they played but I think she enjoyed it. Mamaw went with us & Daddy met us there. We got to see friends we hadn't seen in quite some time. We had a great time even though she fell asleep towards the end because it lasted for almost 3 hours.

Chuck-e-Cheese & More

Last weekend my mom wanted to take Tyler & Aleigha to Chuck-e-Cheese. Tyler had a blast & Aleigha tried to but it was during nap time so she just kind of sat & watched mostly. We ate pizza, played, cashed in tickets & went shopping afterwards. It was a funfilled Saturday.

Tyler & Lil Ray cashing in them tickets

Watch Mamaw!

Cheese :)

There she goes

Before Daycare

Reading her Halloween book on the
way to go shopping with Mamaw
Thinks she's a big girl sitting at the table

I know, I know...she's adorable :)

One of her new favorite things....a laundry basket

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I haven't posted much lately so I thought I could share some pictures from the last few weeks. There hasn't been much going on yet it seems we stay busy. Aleigha was sick this week with a bacterial infection but is feeling much better now. Hopefully she can get back in the swing of daycare since she was out for 3 days. She also has 3 new teeth that have come in this week but they didn't seem to bother her to bad. Thankfully!

Dont you just love that face?


Pop & Daddy

So Glad to see Mamaw

Gonna help Daddy mow

Ready for Daycare

In such a good mood that morning

Another morning before daycare

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Little Baby has a Baby

We had a little shopping to do this morning and I have been wanting to get Aleigha a baby doll stroller so while we were out I got one for her. She played, pushed & pulled that thing all day long. Sometimes it had a baby in it and sometimes it didn't but she loves that stroller.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our New Addition...Bentley

Two weeks ago we went and picked up Aleigha a Yorkie puppy, Bentley. She wasn't to fond of him at first but they have grown on each other alot the last 2 weeks. At first she didn't even want to touch him & now she wants to give him kisses. He must of sensed from the beginning that he was bought for her because he follows her everywhere.

Well this one is just because she's too stinking cute!

Following her the first day

Sun bathing

Getting his first bath