Friday, October 1, 2010

A Little Update

Talk about a bloggy break. I haven't updated in so long
that I'm kind of ashamed. I have kept up with everyone's
blogs but rarely comment and I know I should do better.
I'm in first level nursing clinicals and boy let me tell ya.
I feel like all I do is study and spend time with Aleigha.
Speaking of Aleigha, she is quite the character lately.

She says and does some of the craziest stuff. For example...
We buy chocolate syrup to put in her milk sometimes, well I
bought the strawberry kind for her to try. She is used
to saying chocolate milk so when she wants the strawberry
she'll say "i want strawberry chocolate milk". I try to explain
that she doesn't have to put the chocolate in there b/c it's just
strawberry milk so needless to say we are constantly
laughing at her.  The last few months
seem as if they flew by. We haven't been up to much.
Mainly spending time with family & friends when
we get a chance.

Aleigha loves playing dress up. She doesn't care
if it's make up or nail polish, she wants it on!
We went out of town to see Henry's family last weekend
and I put some makeup on her because we weren't going
anywhere. She thought she was something else!

Here she is getting her nails painted by her cousin.

We also celebrated Henry's 27th birthday a
few weeks ago.

Here are some randoms from the last few weeks.

Bedtime stories...

Ready for school!

Cooking away...

Oh yeah, we are also in potty training mode around here
too. She is catching on but still doesn't have the hang of
it just yet. We're trying not to be to pushy and just
 let her adjust on her own schedule. Hopefully in
the next few weeks we'll have it under control.

I promise to update more often, I've just got to get
on a better schedule. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Were participating in the American Heart Association walk
tomorrow morning. I'm excited to go and support since
everything that went on with my Dad the last few months.

1 comment:

Erin said...

is that a confetti cake? Looks like it and if it is it is my fav.

She is getting so big!